There has been a LOT of press on canned wine, and with good reason. Canned wine is experiencing explosive growth, in volume, in dollars, and in SKUs. Dollar sales alone experienced nearly 69% growth in 2018, and 47% growth in volume. Yes, this growth is on a relatively small volume, but no other wine packaging has shown this growth since bag-in-boxes in the 2000’s. While it is hard to pinpoint any real data whether this is a fad or a force in the market, early research is leaning towards force: cans are likely to be part of the wine market for the future.
Wine in cans soars in stores: Research hints at why it’s more than a millennial movement
September 10, 2019, 9:33AM
While design for high-end wines continues to build on visual cues that communicate luxury and tradition, with glass bottles being key to that, those reaching to a majority of consumers below that level increasingly are embracing aluminum packaging.
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